

25 Sep


Their damage does seem to be much higher than it was, we've asked a designer to dig into this and see what's up

22 Sep

27 minutes ago, kyori said:

There is also the on-going issue of black flicking rectangle on screens most notably on corpus old/new ship tilesets.

This may be a shader error, usually the result of a specific visual effect like an explosion or a power going off. Can you share your loadout, and maybe a screenshot of the problem in action? It would help us find what you are seeing :)

Edited by [DE]Momaw
4 hours ago, Plutocola said:

im Grandmaster i complete alle lvlitems max (i mean for real all) and for MasteryRank 30 I'm still missing 38k, that shouldn't be the case. so I contact the support, and for more than 3 weeks I haven't received an answer.

For one thing, not all of your Steel Path map is completed. You gain mastery for first completion on nodes under Steel Path condition, the same as you for clearing the map on regular difficulty.

21 Sep


Thanks for the updated reports, we're aware of the flowers being slightly misplaced.  :)  No ETA on a fix yet but it's on our radar.

Edited by [DE]Momaw

18 Sep

15 minutes ago, Bl4zko said:

Fix the sepulcrum missing from the Foundry after beginning its build from the Warframe App or whatever bug is going on... I've sent a ticket about this issue

I cannot find any trace at all of you having started the construction of this weapon, or even having the component blueprints that you would need to start it. I see that you bought the main blueprint then gave it the Entrati as part of your rank up requirements. Perhaps you started some other foundry job?

10 Sep

11 minutes ago, angetrox said:

After the update XATAS WHISPER  is gone ... 

You won't see a subsumed ability if you sit in the chair as the warframe that ability is from (I see that you have equipped Xaku)


Doesn't require any specific frame, doesn't require the iso vaults, doesn't even require a bounty or combat of any kind. As near as I can tell it's related to moving very far distances from your mech's previous location without hitting spoilers mode in between.  Worked up a set of steps for our bug-slaying ninjas, hope to get this fixed soon. 👍

09 Sep


I will dig into this immediately. This kind of report is extremely helpful!  I've been seeing several posts about "disappearing frame",  but this is the first time I've seen a full session *leading up to* the problem, and it's full of relevant facts like: it can happen solo, it's not limited to the Isolation Vaults, and it doesn't require any specific frame or ability usage. Thank you!


Was this still the case after you relogged? Could you please check again?  Looking in your account I see that you fused a Kuva Bramma, it has bonus Heat damage, and the Heat value is higher than it was when you removed the weapon from the foundry. The bonuses appear to be valid, it might just not have showed up right away with the specific way you fused them?  (Which would still be a bug, but a less serious one)

2 hours ago, Treenix said:

Hopefully this will be seen and addressed in the next hotfix

This has been seen and will be addressed in the next hotfix

03 Sep

1 hour ago, Koalachan said:
  • TYPE: Loadout Config Slot swapping
  • DESCRIPTION: You subsume abilties on certain config slots. If you reorder the config slots by dragging, you are only swapping the mods (like it always has) but it fails to switch the subsumedness of that config. EXAMPLE: I have Nekros with Config 1 a subsumed Ash with its augment Seeking Shuriken and Config 2 Nekros with subsumed Atlas with its augment Ore Gaze. I drag Config 1 to config 2 because I want the Atlas + Gazing Ore in the first slot of my Configurations. The mods and config name swap corectly but not the Subsumes so out pops the Ore Gaze and Seeking Shurikens and they get replaced with random mods from my pool.
  • VISUAL: [This is where you would add your screenshot or video]
  • REPRODUCTION: Every time you drag configs that co...
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On 2020-09-02 at 6:19 AM, Lockhart77 said:
  • TYPE: In-game, Necramech
  • DESCRIPTION: While playing necramech, Warframe is gone, unable to transference back to warframe as operator. Warframe either being vulnerable during transference and died in the idle stance by being shot at
  • VISUAL  Reveal hidden contents


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01 Sep


Dark theme should be back now. :)

28 Aug


Sorry for the issues, Tenno. It seems that this occurs if you have BOTH a Predasite that cannot be gilded, and a Vulpaphyla that can. We will try to fix this as soon as possible, but for now you should be able to work around this by ranking up your Predasite to 30.


Thank you for your reports, this will be resolved in the next hotfix

15 Aug


The forum glyph is cached, you usually need to log out of the forum and then log back in order to update it.


Some players that logged in on August 15th 2020 saw an inbox message from Baro claiming that he was present at the Tennocon Relay on Earth.

This was only a mail message that had an incorrect date. The Tennocon Relay was not present and you could not visit it. It is a scheduled weekend for a Baro visit, but he arrived yesterday and visited one of the usual places and has his usual inventory (e.g. Larunda Relay on PC)

04 Aug


Hello Tenno!

As some of you are aware from Tennocon, with the upcoming Heart of Deimos update we will be removing the “Orokin Derelicts” region from the map. Its map nodes will be instead given to the pulsing, infested Deimos region.

This raises the question: What happens to players on the Steel Path? You get a unique Emote and Trophy for each region that you have completed, but if the Derelicts aren’t on the map how will you get these rewards?

The answer is: After Heart of Deimos launches, finishing the Deimos region will give you BOTH the Deimos and Derelict rewards regardless of whether you have previously finished the Derelicts. This way everybody has a chance to finish their entire set, and thematically it respects both areas: the original Derelicts, and the new Deimos landscape.

Edited Read more

14 Jul


It shouldn't be possible to reach negative capacity in the first place, can you please record a video showing how you are achieving this? Normally you should see a dialog box that says,  "Installed Mod would exceed the capacity of kitgun config" and let you either uninstall the mod or cancel the fusion, which prevents you from creating invalid mod loadouts.

24 Jun


After investigation, I've verified with the Riven programmer that generation of these should work and that I can fabricate one that works in game. I've verified with Stats that some have been traded between players, and I don't see any broken riven in your account. I see several successfully unlocked rivens that you've done the last couple of days. If you see further evidence that this is really not working, please contact Support and include the exact circumstances of what happened, account names affected, and the time that you ran into the issue so that we can we can research more efficiently.